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&color(#f9d9d9){''Designing Oxides via Low Temperature Synthesis''};

Generally, the designed synthesis of oxides is difficult under high temperatures. We plan to circumvent this problem by developing a toolbox of low-temperature reactions instead.

The reduction of the simple compound SrFeO*Sub*3*Sub* shown on the right illustrates one of our approaches (2007). In the movie on the right, oxygen anions (red spheres) are removed in an orderly manner from SrFeO*Sub*3*Sub* to form SrFeO*Sub*2*Sub*, resulting in a structure composed of square planar FeO*Sub*4*Sub* units. This is highly unusual, given that iron is generally known to adopt only tetrahedral or octahedral coordination. The fact that such a novel geometry comes from such a simple method and composition is a testament to the wide range of possibilities of these low-temperature synthesis techniques.



Hydrogen moves! Seemingly bouncing around, hydride (H*Sup*-*Sup*; white spheres) can exist quite comfortably in simple oxides such as BaTiO*Sub*3*Sub*, and furthermore diffuse throughout the lattice rather freely.
Hydrogen moves! Seemingly bouncing around, hydride (H*Sup*-*Sup*; white spheres) can exist quite comfortably in simple oxides such as BaTiO*Sub*3*Sub*, and furthermore diffuse throughout the lattice.
