
  • 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
*装置/Equipment [#l0e88fd8]

***グローブボックス (Mbraun, Dalton)&br;Glove box (Mbraun)&aname(kage01); [#f81faeea]
|&ref(img.jpg,nolink);| |


***各種電気炉 &aname(kage02); [#k07cbf14]
|&ref(img.jpg,nolink);| |


***FZ単結晶育成装置 (NEC) &aname(kage03); [#ab11dcbb]
|&ref(img.jpg,nolink);| |


***粉末X線回折装置 (Bruker) &aname(kage04); [#l37c2175]
|&ref(img.jpg,nolink);| |


***SEM-EDX (JEOL) &aname(kage05); [#l91aa77a]
|&ref(img.jpg,nolink);| |


***TEM (JEOL) &aname(kage06); [#seb054ab]
|&ref(img.jpg,nolink);| |


***TG-DTA (Bruker) &aname(kage07); [#v203fd19]
|&ref(img.jpg,nolink);| |


***DSC (Bruker)&aname(kage08); [#hb686259]
|&ref(img.jpg,nolink);| |


***SQUID磁化測定装置 &aname(kage09); [#f3a7a46b]
|&ref(img.jpg,nolink);| |


**他の研究機関での実験 &aname(other); [#m9990389]
***Neutron Experiments (for determining crystal and magnetic structures, and for investigating spin dynamics)&br;中性子散乱実験(結晶構造解析,磁気構造解析,スピン動的性質) [#q8760a74]
-JRR3M (Tokai, Jpn.) / 日本原子力機構原子炉&aname(other01);

>App. 2 weeks/year~
Supported by ISSP Joint Research Program in collaboration with N. Nishi and K. Hirota (ISSP) and others~
物性研共同利用 毎年利用


***Neutron Experiments [#b1ea6e5d]
-ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)&aname(other02);

|&ref(hb3.jpg,nolink);| |

>2004 Supported by Japan-US collaboration for neutron scattering In collaboration with M. Nishi (ISSP) and Jaime Fernandez-Baca (ORNL)~
中性子散乱日米協力事業 たまに利用


***NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA) [#w01a6d5a]
-ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)&aname(other03);

|&ref(dcs.jpg,nolink);|&ref(Spins.jpg,nolink); |
>2005, 2007 Supported by Japan-US collaboration for neutron scattering In collaboration with M. Nishi (ISSP), Seung-hun Leet (Virginia State Univ.) and others.~
中性子散乱日米協力事業 たまに利用


***Muon Spin Rotation Experiments(ultrasensitive probe for magnetic ordering and spin dynamics)&br;μSR実験(磁気秩序,動的性質,相転移) [#p7f0906e]
-TRIUMF (Vancouver, Canada)&aname(other04);

>2000, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007~
In collaboration with Y. J. Uemura (Columbia Univ. and G. M. Luke (McMaster Univ.)~


***Synchrotron X ray Diffraction&br;放射光X線回折 [#l8db2f1f]
-BL02B2, SPring8, Japan / スプリング8(播磨)&aname(other05);

|&ref(SPring8.jpg,nolink);| |

>App. 4 days/year~
Partially in collaboration with Drs. Azuma and Saito at ICR~


***High Magnetic Field Measurement&br;強磁場磁化(磁歪)測定 [#c13be96b]
-Kindo group, ISSP / 金道研(東大物性研)&aname(other06);

|&ref(kindo.jpg,nolink);| |

>Supported by ISSP Joint Research Program In collaboration with Prof. K. Kindo and Dr. Y. Narumi~
物性研共同利用 毎年利用


***High Pressure Synthesis and Moessabuer Spectroscopy... &br;高圧合成とメスバウアー分光,その他 [#p7c72446]
-Shimakawa group, ICR / 島川研(京大化研)&aname(other07);

|&ref(img.jpg,nolink);| |

>In collaboration with Profs. Takano, Shimakawa, Azuma and Drs. Saito and Hayashi~


***Chemical Characterizations and ...(HRED, EDX, ICP, SQUID...) &br;化学分析,その他 [#td244bfb]
-Materials Design and Characterization Laboratory (ISSP) / 東大物性研物質設計評価施設&aname(other08);

|&ref(tem.gif,nolink);| |