
Seminar by Dr. Alain Demourgues (CNRS-Univ. Bordeaux), “Synthesis and structural features of mixed anion (F, O, S) compounds and relationships with UV-Visible absorption properties”, A2-303; 10:30

Seminar by Dr. Simon Clarke (University of Oxford), “Synthesis, Chemistry and Physics of layered chalcogenides and oxide chalcogenides”, A2-307; 13:30

Seminar by Prof. Nathalie Audebrand (University of Rennes1), “Synthesis and characterization of new MOFs: From ligand design to porous material topology and chirality”, A2-303, 17:00

Seminar by Prof. Olivier Hernandez (University of Rennes1), “Transition Metal Oxides Potentially Used as SOFC Electrode Materials: High Temperature Chemical Reactivity Probed in situ by Neutron Powder Diffraction”, A2-308; 15:00~

Paper on magnetization plateaus of SrCu*Sub*2*Sub*(BO*Sub*3*Sub*)*Sub*2*Sub*, published in Physical Review Letters, a work in collaboration with Prof. Y. M. Matsuda

Paper on magnetization plateaus of SrCu*Sub*2*Sub*(BO*Sub*3*Sub*)*Sub*2*Sub*, published in Physical Review Letters, a work in collaboration with Prof. M. Takigawa

Paper on hydride mobility in perovskite BaTiO*Sub*3*Sub*, published in Nature Materials. &ref(カバーピクチャー/Cover Pictures/12_NatMater.gif,120x156,nolink);

Review paper on square-planar coordinate iron oxides, published in Chem. Soc. Rev. ~
&ref(カバーピクチャー/Cover Pictures/12_ChemSocRev.jpg,120x156,nolink);

Paper on anisotropic oxygen migration in SrFeO&size(10){2};, published in Nature Chemistry, a work in collaboration with Prof. Shimakawa~

Paper on spin-state transition transition for a four-coordinate metal, published in Nature Chemistry.~
&ref(カバーピクチャー/Cover Pictures/09_NatureChemistry.jpg,120x156,nolink);

Paper on synthesis of SrFeO&size(10){2}; with a square planar coordination, published in Nature.

