Establishing Next-Generation Solid-State Chemistry
The mixed-anion project, under the leadership of Professor Hiroshi Kageyama, has pioneered a new field in solid-state chemistry. Our groundbreaking work has resulted in the world’s first textbook on mixed-anion materials. Collaborating with leading experts in the field, including Prof. Richard Dronskowski (Aachen/Shenzhen) and Prof. Simon Clarke (Oxford), has provided valuable insights into solid-state science and helped push the boundaries forward. Additional projects, such as ‘Supra Ceramics’ led by Prof. Kazuhiko Maeda (Tokyo Tech) and ‘Hydrogen Ion Ceramics’ directed by Prof. Kageyama, are expected to further advance our understanding of molecular solids and hydrogen-containing functional materials.
陰山教授を代表とする新学術領域研究「複合アニオン化合物の創製と新機能」 は、60研究室を超えるオールジャパンのワンチーム体制で、「複合アニオンの科学」を新しい学術分野としての学理を創り出し、世界初の複合アニオン化合物の教科書を出しました。2020年に拠点形成事業(Core-to-Core)に採択され、国際ネットワークの構築を進めています。 新学術の後継として学術変革「超セラミックス」が2022年にスタートしました。また、水素を無機固体を舞台に自在に操ることを目指した特別推進研究「水素イオンセラミックス」も2022年にスタートしました。このほか、触媒、電池材料開発を複数の企業や国プロジェクトのサポートのもと行っています。
Mixed-Anion Compounds
Mixed-anion compounds, which consist of two or more anionic species, provide a greater degree of structural and chemical freedom in material design compared to oxides. The Kageyama Group is at the forefront of research into mixed-anion compounds, leading the way in establishing design principles. Our work is reflected in our reviewer papers, the first-ever mixed-anion textbook, and our leadership in a series of mixed-anion projects.
Hydrogen society
Our society is confronted with a range of challenges, including climate change and energy crisis. To help resolving these issues, the Kageyama lab is conducting research on next-generation hydrogen-containing ceramics, including materials that contain proton (H⁺), hydride (H¯), and, notably, those that combine H⁺ and H¯, an unexplored area of study.
Future Materials
未来材料, 未来人財
Collaboration between chemists and physicists from various disciplines is essential for the advancement of material sciences. The Kageyama Lab provides a unique research environment that bridges the gap between these areas. The lab comprises a team of synthetic chemists to physicists, who delve into topics ranging from solid-state reaction mechanisms to superconductivity. By synergizing ideas and insights from different disciplines, we aim to develop “future materials” that will serve as vital components in our future society.
High-temperature solid-state reaction typically produces thermodynamically stable phases. Our group is at the forefront of using a diverse range of synthesis techniques to discover metastable materials, including low-temperature topochemical reactions, high-pressure synthesis, and etc. The group also employs genetic algorithms to guide the synthesis and predict reaction pathways, further expanding our ability to develop new materials.